Friday, September 23, 2011

Edy Nelson - Uniform finished!

 Alright, Edy's uniform is done!. This means that the next step is to sculpt the new armour pieces which are new shoulder pads, lower arm pads, breast plates and new big leg plates.

 All those bags, took me almost all day because they are a piece of work each, but it feels good to have it done and it looks nice. The squad 7 badge was printed on a piece of white fabric i taped to a paper and put in my printer, an easy but nice trick. Boots are made in the same type of leather fabric as Alicia's boots, but darker. Edy had darker in the game but not this dark, but its all i have and it still suits her, the fabric quality in itself was the main point, to make both look equal. The shocktrooper insignia was painted on by hand using a fine brush and white paint, just as i did with Riela's number 13 and all of Aliasse's gold trim.

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