Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Aliasse - drawing, Armature and Body

Here i gooo! with some new progress on Aliasse

As always i started of by doing a drawing of the character in the right scale to my other drawings of Alicia and Riela, in order to build the armature in-scale and with the right dimensions.

The feet of the armature was made slightly differently as she have high heels. Insteed of the usual double jointed feet o made one bolt attached to the front of the foot, and insted of the other one i wired up a high heel and sealed it by sculpting epoxy around it, i also made a epoxy sculpt on the front of the feet to shape up her unique boot shape. There still is a joint in the middle of the foot though, so shes no more limited than the others. Next up i made my usual foam body but i was a little bit more carefull this time as there is alot of bare skin on her, same applies to where to put the seams when making the skin and she still needs a few more coats of latex on it.

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