Monday, August 29, 2011

Aliasse - Valkyrian dress part 3

Right folks, progress is back on track and i've done a bit today!, it might not look that it's too much done but because her dress is pretty complex, it's also very time consuming.

I started by sanding the green putty sculpt on her feet in order to make it smooth, i then painted it black and after that i simply added the black fabric on her legs. Just as all other parts, those had to be carefully painted with gold paint to create the golden trim and textures. each small strap that is on the top of her dress had to be carefully folded and glued, and a thin wire inserted to shape them properly, each got to be made individually so it's rather time consuming, but worth it. I also now glued on her belt-skirt but i didnt glue the belt ends fully as i need to get the front dress straps underneath first.

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