Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"I'll keep everybody safe! Okay?" - Aliasse puppet finished!

Yaay!, She's finaly done after alot of work and time, but i was away a few days though and that slowed the process a bit, but she did still take most time to make out of those current three.

There was alot of complex bits on this outfit, and many seperate pieces that had to be made, but it does feel great to finaly have her done!. She is fully poseable just as the other two, hair can be animated and the dress straps aswell.

Here is a comparison of all three, all of them have about the same hieght difference, Riela is 163cm tall in reality, and Alicia is 159cm while Aliasse is only 150cm, but she does have high heels so that made her a bit taller so i think the scaling on those are about right.

Finaly, i end with a cosplay shot!. Aliasse got to try the uniforms and the other two got to try the valkyrian dress, Riela does look good in it!

That's all for now, i'll be back with the annauncement of the next character soon!

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