Monday, August 8, 2011

Alicia Melchiott - Eyes and Armour cast Finished!

Right, so i have finaly cast all the Scout armour pieces for Alicia, aswell as printed a pair of neutral eyes. The best part with this armour is that the worst is over, i can now freely cast this pieces for any other character who needs it!.

I printed out a test sheet with various eyes on it, there are the game-design of alicia's eyes aswell as the anime, also there is Edy and Riela's eyes which i havn't edited up in photoshop yet, this was just a test to get alicias eyes. After printing i attached them to the magnet tape which is perfect for this, once attached i used scissors to cut em out, then it's just to attach them to the eye magnets on the head!.

All Armour pieces are cast and i also loosely attached them to see how it looked!. Now it's just a paintjob and then i'll attach them for real!

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